Afrocentric, flexible, innovative, customised best practice solutions HR solutions.

Staffing Solutions

Companies in Zimbabwe are operating in an austere economic environment and would not survive the costs associated with having permanent employees. Therefore, Providence Human Capital set up Staffing Solutions to address this imbalance. Most companies resort to having employees for a short time without any benefits whilst others are going through long and costly court cases. Providence Human Capital, as a relational organisation, bridged the gap by coming up with a temporary labour company which outsources its employees into desired temporary positions in our client organisations.

Why Staffing Solutions?

Through Staffing Solutions Providence Human Capital redefined its dependents, employees and communities in order to alleviate the pressures of the economic turmoil on its sphere of influence. For instance, the economic issues i.e.

  • Effect of cash and foreign currency issues
  • Electricity cuts
  • Fuel shortages

With reference to employee welfare, through Staffing Solutions, Providence Human Capital became a pacesetter. Staffing Solutions is distinct from the convectional labour brokering companies in that its services do not only end with just placing an employee. Looking at the prevailing economic environment our country is undergoing, most organisations, including the government of Zimbabwe, no longer offer permanent contracts but fixed term contracts. Though we offer fixed term employment, we understand that job stability is a factor that affects employee wellbeing.

All of our Staffing Solutions employees are permanent employees at the company and are entitled to all benefits that a permanent employee gets. When they have lost employment due to redundancy of a client organisation, we then place them to any other of our clients or attach them to Providence Human Capital whilst we locate a new organisation to place them. This is a perfect setup as most of these instances have proven to befall the general hands who require no special skills; hence, they are easily placed. Staffing Solution therefore plays quite a significant role as it does not only contribute to the country's fiscus through taxes and good business, but also gives a cushioning hand as it helps in alleviating the challenge of unemployment that has characterised Zimbabwe for more than a decade now.

Reach out to our sales or customer service team through our website, email, or phone number. You can find the contact information on our official website.

Through our healthcare facilities riot only our employees and stakeholders benefit but communities around US. We have moved from employees and their immediate families being granted access to our healthcare facilities to defining a family in the African context where extended family members also benefit.

Access to client data is strictly restricted and granted only to authorized personnel who require it to perform their specific job roles. We enforce role-based access controls to limit access to the minimum necessary level.

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+263 242 776937